// Nursing Homes in HK have been closed to visitors since last fall. Still, cases have appeared in many homes in recent weeks…..at meetings of representatives of some 300 homes this week, more than 70% said they had recorded Covid cases…There are no quarantine centers for our staff or close contacts with cases. All of them are stuck in elderly homes, which is not a good environment.//
協會秘書長陳勇舟於2月26日接受美國紐約時報 (New York Times)採訪,提供早前協會舉行的行業會議數據,在與會者代表的300個會員機構中,約70%表示院舍已有確診病例。他認為,當局未能為確診員工、長者和其緊密接觸者提供隔離設施,令院舍形成困局。他形容當前院舍的環境是未如理想。